Is Sex good for Weight Loss? What You Need to Know

Losing weight is a goal for many people and the methods for achieving it are plentiful. From intense workout regimes to strict diets, there is no shortage of ways to shed those extra pounds. But what about sex? It’s an activity that has long been rumoured to aid in weight loss, but is there any truth to this claim?

I’ll take a closer look at the relationship between sex and weight loss, examining both the myths and the science behind this topic. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of whether sex can really help you reach your weight loss goals.

Sex can have great health benefits, such as reducing stress, improving sleep, and increasing intimacy and connection with a partner. It is important to focus on overall health and well-being, rather than just weight loss and to find activities that you enjoy and that contribute to your overall health and happiness

Sex is a physical activity that can be quite vigorous and can get your heart rate up, making you break a sweat. Many people wonder whether sex can contribute to weight loss and whether it is an effective weight loss strategy. While sex can burn calories, the question is whether it is enough to make a significant impact on weight loss. In this article, we explore the link between sex and weight loss.

There is some evidence that sexual activity may have a small effect on weight loss. However, it is important to note that sex is not a particularly effective form of exercise, and it should not be relied upon as a primary means of losing weight. To achieve significant weight loss, it is necessary to engage in regular physical activity and make healthy dietary choices.

There is no direct link between sexual activity and weight loss and while sex may have some potential to help you burn a small number of calories, it is not a particularly effective way to lose weight. To lose weight, it is important to create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume. The best way to do this is to combine a healthy diet with regular physical activity.

While sex may have some minor benefits for weight loss, it is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet. In addition, the health benefits of sexual activity, such as improved cardiovascular health and stress relief, are important in their own right and should not be overlooked.

How many calories does sex burn?

There are various studies and reports that suggest sex can potentially aid in weight loss, although the effects may not be significant or sustainable over the long term.

Studies show that the amount of calories burned during sexual activity varies depending on factors such as age, sex, weight, and intensity of the activity.

One study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that men burned an average of 101 calories during 30 minutes of sexual activity, while women burned an average of 69 calories. However, the study noted that the amount of energy expended during sex was similar to that of walking at a moderate pace.

Another study published in the journal PLOS One found that having sex once a week was associated with a lower body mass index (BMI) in women compared to those who had sex less frequently or not at all. The study also found that frequent sexual activity was associated with improved sleep quality, which can also impact weight loss.

While these studies show that sexual activity can burn calories, the amount of calories burned is relatively low compared to other forms of exercise. For example, a 155-pound person can burn up to 372 calories in 30 minutes of running at a moderate pace.

Does sex help with weight loss?

While sex can contribute to calorie burning, it is unlikely to be an effective weight loss strategy on its own. The amount of energy expended during sexual activity is not significant enough to make a significant impact on weight loss. However, sex can be an enjoyable way to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine and can complement other weight loss strategies such as a healthy diet and regular exercise.

In addition to burning calories, sexual activity can also have other health benefits that can contribute to weight loss. For example, having sex regularly can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality. Poor sleep is associated with weight gain, and getting enough sleep is an essential part of any weight loss program.

Sexual activity can also increase levels of endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals that can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. By reducing stress and improving mood, sexual activity can help prevent emotional eating and reduce the likelihood of weight gain.

How to make sex more effective for weight loss

While sex alone may not be an effective weight loss strategy, there are ways to make it more effective. By incorporating some simple changes into your sexual routine, you can increase the number of calories burned during sexual activity and make it a more effective form of exercise.

Here are some tips to make sex more effective for weight loss

  1. Increase intensity: Incorporate more intense movements into your sexual activity, such as changing positions frequently or using a resistance band during sex.
  2. Longer duration: Increase the duration of sexual activity to increase the number of calories burned.
  3. Try different positions: Different positions can engage different muscles and increase the number of calories burned.
  4. Incorporate foreplay: Foreplay can increase the amount of time spent engaging in physical activity, which can increase the number of calories burned.
  5. Focus on pleasure: Focusing on pleasure can increase the duration of sexual activity, which can increase the number of calories burned.


While sex can burn calories, it is not an effective weight loss strategy on its own. However, sex can be an enjoyable way to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine and can complement other weight loss strategies such as a healthy diet and regular exercise.

There is no direct link between sexual activity and weight loss. While sex may have some potential to help you burn a small number of calories, it is not a particularly effective way to lose weight.

To lose weight, it is important to create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume. The best way to do this is to combine a healthy diet with regular physical activity.

References to the studies mentioned

“Association between frequency of sexual activity and BMI in women,” PLOS One:

“Energy Expenditure during Sexual Activity in Young Healthy Couples,” New England Journal of Medicine:

Featured Image Credit – Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash

Hi there! My name is Ant and I am a weight loss blogger and wellness enthusiast. I have been on my own weight loss journey for as long as I can remember, during which I have lost over 2 stones and have been able to keep it off. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others and helping them achieve their own weight loss goals.