Privacy Policy

Last Updated 09.12.2022

The purpose of this policy is to explain to you how your personal information is controlled, processed, handled and protected while using (the “Website”) or (the “App”) including your rights under current laws and regulations. If you do not agree to the following policy you may wish to cease viewing / using this website.

Privacy commitment

  • To only collect, keep, use and share Personal Data for legitimate business purposes that we explain here below, or if legally required to do so.
  • To be as clear and open as possible with you on what Personal Data is collected and how it will be processed.
  • For as long as records of your Personal Data are maintained, keep it up to date and protect it with appropriate safety measures.

This website is the property of Anthony Fearn. We take the privacy of all visitors to the Website very seriously and therefore set out in this privacy and cookies policy our position regarding certain privacy matters and the use of cookies on the Website.

This policy covers all data that is shared by a visitor with us whether directly via the Website or via email.

This policy provides an explanation as to what happens to any personal data that you share with us, or that we collect from you either directly via the Website or via email.

Certain businesses are required under the data protection act to have a data controller. For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998 the data controller is Anthony Fearn and can be contacted via email at

Your individual rights

Under the GDPR your rights are as follows. You can read more about your rights in details here;

  • the right to be informed;
  • the right of access;
  • the right to rectification;
  • the right to erasure;
  • the right to restrict processing;
  • the right to data portability;
  • the right to object; and
  • the right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling.

You also have the right to complain to the ICO [] if you feel there is a problem with the way we are handling your data.

We handle subject access requests in accordance with the GDPR.

  1. Information we collect

In operating the Website and the App we may collect and process the following data from our about you:

1.1       Details of your visits to the Website and the resources that you access including, but not limited to traffic data, IP Address, Data and Time of site activity, HTTP Status code, Browser information, Operating System, location data, weblog statistics and other communication data. The legal basis for collecting and processing this personal data is to be able to operate the Website and the App and provide you with access to the services you wish to access.

1.2       When you register and use the App you may provide the following data:

Your Personal details, including without limitation your name, a nick name, email address, Date of Birth, Height, Body Type and Weight.

1.2       Information that you provide by filling in forms on the Website, such as when you register to receive information such as a newsletter or contact us via the contact us page.

1.3       Information provided to us when you communicate with us for any reason.

1.4       Google Analytics

Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”) also places cookies on your computer, to enable Google to provide us with activity reports relating to the Sites. Google uses this data only to provide us with information on how users use the Sites and does not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. The information generated by Google cookies about your use of the platform (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. You may refuse these cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser or by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under

1.5       Internet cookies

We use cookies on this website to provide you with a better user experience. We do this by placing a small text file on your device / computer hard drive to track how you use the website, to record or log whether you have seen particular messages that we display, to keep you logged into the website where applicable, to display relevant adverts or content, referred you to a third party website.

Some cookies are required to enjoy and use the full functionality of this website.

We use a cookie control system which allows you to accept the use of cookies, and control which cookies are saved to your device / computer. Some cookies will be saved for specific time periods, where others may last indefinitely. Your web browser should provide you with the controls to manage and delete cookies from your device, please see your web browser options.

Cookies that we use are;

Analytics – These cookies help to understand and improve the users’ experience of the Website and the App.

  1. Use of cookies

On occasion, we may gather information about your computer for our services, and to provide statistical information regarding the use of the Website to our advertisers.

Such information will not identify you personally, it is statistical data about our visitors and their use of our site. This statistical data does not identify any personal details whatsoever. It is used by us to analyse how visitors interact with the Website so that we can continue to develop and improve this Website.

We may gather information about your general Internet use by using a cookie file that is downloaded to your computer. Where used, these cookies are downloaded to your computer automatically.  This cookie file is stored on the hard drive of your computer as cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive. They help us to improve the Website and the service that we provide to you.

All computers can decline cookies. This can be done by activating the setting on your browser which enables you to decline the cookies. Please note that should you choose to decline cookies, you may be unable to access particular areas of the Website.

Any advertising featured on this Website may also incorporate cookies, over which we have no control. Such cookies (if used) would be downloaded once you click on advertisements on our Website.

For more information on cookies you can read the guidance at All About Cookies.

  1. Use of your information

The information that we collect and store relating to you is primarily used to enable us to provide our services to you.

Legitimate Interests – We may use and process some of your personal information where we have sensible and legitimate business grounds for doing so. Under European privacy laws there is a concept of “legitimate interests” as a justification for processing your personal information. Our legitimate interests for processing your personal information are:

  • to enable you to access and use the Site;
  • to improve our Site. We may use your personal information to undertake demographic segmentation and generate profiling information to help us understand what you might be interested in and for market research. We are always working to make a better Site for you and using your personal information in this way helps us to do this.

In addition, we may use the information for the following purposes:

3.1       To provide you with information requested from us relating to our products or services and to provide information on other products which we feel may be of interest to you if you have consented to receive such information.

3.2       To meet our contractual commitments to you.

3.3       To notify you about any changes to the Website, such as improvements or service/product changes, that may affect our service.

3.4       If you are an existing customer, we may contact you with information about goods and services like those which were the subject of a previous sale to you.

3.5       We may use your data, or permit selected third parties to use your data, so that you can be provided with information about unrelated goods and services which we consider may be of interest to you. We or they may contact you about these goods and services by any of the methods that you consented to at the time your information was collected.

3.6       If you are a new customer, we will only contact you or allow third parties to contact you only when you have provided consent and only by those means you provided consent for.

3.7       If you do not want us to use your data for ourselves or third parties you will have the opportunity to withhold your consent to this when you provide your details to us on the form on which we collect your data.

3.8       Please be advised that we do not reveal information about identifiable individuals to our advertisers but we may, on occasion, provide them with aggregate statistical information about our visitors such as your area of residence or age group.

  1. Storing your personal data

4.1       We may transfer data that we collect from you to locations outside of the European Economic area for processing and storing. In addition, it may be processed by staff operating outside the European Economic area who work for us or for one of our suppliers. By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. We will take all reasonable steps to make sure that your data is treated securely and in agreement with this privacy policy.

4.2       Data that is provided to us is stored on our secure servers. Details relating to any transactions entered into via our site will be encrypted to ensure its safety.

4.3       The transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure and therefore we cannot guarantee the security of data sent to us electronically and the transmission of such data is entirely at your own risk. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password so that you can access certain areas of our site, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential.

  1. Disclosing your information

5.1       We may also disclose your personal information to third parties:

5.1.1    Where we sell any or all of our business and/or our assets to a third party.

5.1.2    Where we are legally required to disclose your information.

5.1.3    To assist fraud protection and minimise credit risk.

Third Parties


Google Analytics We use this to understand how the Site is being used and accessed to improve the user experience – user data is all anonymous. Google stores the information collected by the cookies on servers in the United States. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Any information generated by these cookies will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy, this Cookie Policy and Google’s privacy policy and cookie policy.

Google Adwords We also use Google Analytics remarketing-features cookies to optimise Google search results based on users’ previous visits to our Site. User data is all anonymous. Google stores the information collected by the cookies on servers in the United States. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Any information generated by these cookies will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy, this Cookie Policy and Google’s privacy policy and cookie policy.

Facebook Facebook uses cookies when you share content from the Website and the App on Facebook. We also use Facebook Analytics to understand how the fabtrackr Facebook page and Site are being used and to optimise Facebook user activities based on users interacting with our Facebook content. User data is all anonymous. Any information generated by these cookies will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy, this Cookie Policy, and Facebook’s privacy policy and cookie policy.

Twitter Twitter uses cookies when you share content from the Website and the App on Twitter.

  1. Third party links

You might find links to third party websites on the Website. These websites should have their own privacy policies which you should check. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies whatsoever as we have no control over them.

  1. Contacting us

Queries, comments or requests you may have regarding this policy are always welcome; please do not hesitate to make contact via