Find your BMI with this Calculator including Free printable charts

What is my BMI if I weigh kilos and is kilograms overweight? Enter your height to calculate your BMI score.

BMI Guidelines from World Health Organisation

BMI (kg/m2)BMI Prime
Very severely underweight<15<0.60
Severely underweight15 – 160.60 – 0.64
Underweight16 – 18.50.64 – 0.74
Normal (healthy weight)18.5 – 250.74 – 1.0
Overweight25 – 301.0 – 1.2
Obese Class I (Moderately obese)30 – 351.2 – 1.4
Obese Class II (Severely obese)35 – 401.4 – 1.6
Obese Class III (Very severely obese)>40>1.6

“Great News – My BMI tells me I am underweight …
… I should be 21 feet tall”

BMI or Body Mass Index is a very crude method of determining if your weight is appropriate for your height. The actual calculation is a simple comparison of your weight (in kilograms or pounds) to your height (in metres or feet) and is often presented as a chart allowing to make finding your value easy.

BMI values are grouped into several categories to allow a categorisation of the result such as a health weight or overweight.

The BMI charts here are calculated for adults only (separate charts are available for children’s weight and heights). Inaccuracies can also occur if you’re an athlete or very muscular as this can give you a higher BMI even if you have a healthy level of body fat and BMI is not suitable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or those who are very frail.

As BMI is based on weight and height, by losing weight you will reduce your BMI and put yourself into a lower risk group. A healthy diet, including a balance of food groups, vitamins and minerals, is essential for a long and active life. Keeping it simple, body weight and shape are a balance of energy intake (dietary calorific content) against output (calorific burn from activity & exercise).

Looking for something better than BMI? Try Weight-adjusted Waist Index instead.

Free printable BMI Charts

Please feel free to download and use the the following Free BMI charts for whatever purpose you require offline or link to them via this page from your own site.

The Excel format is provided to allow you to adjust to your exact needs.

Printable and editable BMI Chart in Excel Format

Printable BMI Chart in Acrobat PDF Format

History of BMI

BMI was created by Adolphe Quetelet, a Belgian astronomer, mathematician, statistician, and sociologist between 1830 and 1850. Find out more about the History of BMI at Wikipedia.

Hi there! My name is Ant and I am a weight loss blogger and wellness enthusiast. I have been on my own weight loss journey for as long as I can remember, during which I have lost over 2 stones and have been able to keep it off. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others and helping them achieve their own weight loss goals.