
Got a question about CalorieStar? Here I try to answer as many common questions as possible.

How do I sign up?
Simply go the CalorieStar App and login with your Social accounts.

Free? Really? Be honest
Yes it really is free – I am trying to keep the site free forever and I am able to do this by the placement of adverts or links which pay money when they are clicked on.

I don’t want to track what I eat, can I just use CalorieStar for recording my weight?
Sure. Use some or all of CalorieStar, whatever works for you. I have a number of users who simply track their weight, record goals and look up the occasional food item.

I am using CalorieStar, but not losing any weight. Why?
Firstly, check your profile to make sure your height, weight, age and gender are accurate. If everything is correct then you need to check you are recording what you eat correctly. Are you recording every single thing you eat? Are you guessing portion sizes? If so you could be underestimating the sizes, go back to using scales for a few days. Check out this article on stalled weight loss

How do I upgrade CalorieStar to the paid for version?
Full details on upgrades can be found on the upgrade page.

Do you have a telephone number?
I do not publish any telephone numbers as I am busy trying to make CalorieStar even better. Your best bet is to drop me a mail at or contact me via twitter @caloriestar.

I need some help with the CalorieStar app
No problem, simply drop me a mail at or contact me via twitter @caloriestar.

I represent a Brand and need to correct information held in CalorieStar
Simply drop me an email at, I would be happy to help.