Data Confidence

The Internet is a great source of information, but can that data be trusted?

I want CalorieStar to be a reliable source of nutritional information, so I strive to ensure the data presented is accurate.

So how can you be confident in the data on CalorieStar?

  • No Artificial Intelligence is used
  • No scraping of data is used
  • All data is created and edited by humans

I have introduced a Data Confidence rating which provides a guide to the reliability of the nutritional data found on Caloriestar.

Data that is validated by a member of the Caloriestar team will show with 5 green stars. Any data not validated by the team will be shown with a number of stars that represents the trust level of the source. Data added by the community will have extra levels of trust when the community members are active in a positive way. Data sources that are known to be trusted will also find higher ratings.

Hi there! My name is Ant and I am a weight loss blogger and wellness enthusiast. I have been on my own weight loss journey for as long as I can remember, during which I have lost over 2 stones and have been able to keep it off. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others and helping them achieve their own weight loss goals.